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Capillary named a Leader in SPARK Matrix™: Customer Loyalty Solutions, Q2 2024 Report     Read more >

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Capillary Retail Solutions

Create Retail experiences that can make massive differences in your retail brand business.
Boost profitability while building efficiency with Capillary retail solutions. Retail solutions are designed for end-to-end loyalty management and customer engagement to deliver better customer lifetime value.
We are boosting Retail marketers’ confidence to customize strategies, accelerate customer relationships and increase retail value.
Apparel & Fashion

Seamless omnichannel and enhanced in-store experiences via personalized engagement, smart up-sell, and recommendations

F&B and QSR

Customer data collation, unified view of preferences and purchase patterns, direct customer engagement with relevant offerings and flexible reward options.

Health & Beauty

Nurture every customer, and build affinity across different retail outlet interactions and locations to connect relevantly and engage accurately.


Develop a deeper understanding of customers, increase the average basket size, and encourage repeat purchases.

Luxury & Jewellery

Engage your high-profile customer and the expectations of your luxury customer segment with hyper-personalization and specialised services.


Manage and deliver systems across online and offline operations along with an omnichannel customer experience strategy.

Why Capillary Retail Solutions?
“Built for Retail. Built for Success.”
Retail Loyalty solutions are at the forefront of innovation today across every stage of the product - the discovery, consideration, and purchase stages – enabling real-time customer engagement generated the best results. Loyalty is still an essential lever from a long-term retention standpoint.

Reaching high levels of customer acquisition and retention through highly engaged levels of personalized design and personal shopper experiences is redefining the space dynamically.
Engagement-based experiential loyalty platform for Retail
powered by actionable AI.
A cohesive and dynamic ecosystem for performance
  • Create an ecosystem that manages experiential retail loyalty programs for B2B, B2C and B2E industries.
  • Automated marketing and customer engagement platform.
  • Build and manage immersive B2B, B2C, B2E loyalty programs.
Designed to deliver impactful omnichannel customer engagement
  • Drive and engage with personalized omnichannel experiences across touchpoints.
  • Hyper personalization deployment to deliver relevant, impactful campaigns to multiple segmented audience.
Aimed to foster organic growth and increase repeat sales
  • Win back inactive customers and reduce customer acquisition costs.
  • Collect zero & first-party data and analyze customer behaviour.
  • Create and deliver a highly engaging loyalty app and website.
Capillary Retail Solution Features
Boost profitability while building efficiency with Capillary retail solutions.
Apparel & Fashion
Apparel and Fashion solution
Apparel & Fashion solutions befit both small & large fashion players to create a personalized experience for their customers, because fashion is personal.
The fashion & apparel industry is a fiercely competitive space, where brands compete for exclusivity in a sea of evolving competitors. Customer retention is essential as existing customers drive almost 3X revenue vs newly acquired customers. Building a positive customer perception & focusing on long term relationships are the key drivers that fashion retailers must consider. Capillary’s solutions for Apparel & Fashion enable retailers to create an emotional journey with their customers which is driven by the intelligent use of customer data, hyper personalized engagement & on demand insights
Key Features
Class-leading customer profiling capabilities
Class-leading customer profiling capabilities
  • Gather zero party & first party data using a robust CDP
  • Create a unified view of your customer across all their touchpoints
  • Understand current preferences & persona with dynamically evolving data
  • Utilize AI/ML powered algorithms to predict customer tendencies
Robust loyalty engine
Robust loyalty engine
  • Create complex loyalty tiers to drive aspirational behaviour
  • Nurture advocacy by rewarding customers for referrals
  • Incentivize social interactions, milestones & non transactional engagements
  • Set dynamic rules to cater for product returns, donations & other non-transactional activities
Measuring Results
Digital first customer engagement
  • Mobile App driven digital loyalty
  • Omni-channel communication powered by deep integrations with traditional & social channels
  • AR enabled personalization & recommendations
Key Brands
Food & Beverage and QSR
Food & Beverage and QSR solution
Food & Beverage and QSR
F&B Retail solutions that create new avenues for large F&B players to connect with customers directly, even while selling though retailers.
The F&B segment requires a unique set of solutions built to aid a diverse market with many small and frequent transactions. Building a community that will follow and create a member base to regularise with the brand is critical. Retail solutions for F&B and QSR aim to cater to challenges ranging from collating customer data and a unified view of preferences and purchase patterns to moving away from complicated earn and burn rewards, avoiding delays in redeeming and the lack of personalised engagement and experiences.
Key Features
Unified View of Customers & Preferences
Unified View of Customers & Preferences
  • Consolidated Data platform integrated with Offline and online channels.
  • Unified view of offline & online activities, orders, frequency, products orders, quantity, etc.
  • View of clickstream data across apps / brand websites.
Measuring Results
Increasing ease of transactions, earn and redemption, inducing repeat purchases
  • Creating multiple avenues to earn and burn rewards, offers, vouchers.
  • Decreased friction at checkout counters through auto application of best offers for customers.
  • Providing customers multiple options for redemption (Redemption catalogue).
Robust loyalty engine
Personalizing experiences & engagement
  • Targeted Offers & recommendations.
  • Personalized communications on preferred and responsive channels.
  • Extend digital experiences to restaurants.
Key Brands
Health and Beauty
Health & Beauty Retail Solution nurturing and engagement
Health and Beauty
Health and Beauty Retail solutions helps nurture every customer across different retail outlets and locations across frequency and type of purchases to connect relevantly and engage accurately.
Health & Beauty retail solutions precisely deliver to keep track of your customer across multiple purchases beyond a particular store or a location, giving way to truly understanding your most loyal consumer. The solution meets to address the challenges ranging from high customer churn that health and beauty manufacturers face and create avenues to engage beyond point-of-sale related promotions. To bring about opportunities that give rise to endless personalisation, segmentation and relevant engagement to nurture customers continuously.
Key Features
Class-leading customer profiling capabilities
Progressive Profiling of the customer to understand their current needs
  • Understand your customer preferences as they grow with your brand
  • Predict seasonal & product preferences using predictive analytics
  • Capture behavioural data to know what happens in between transactions
Robust loyalty engine
Driving Repeat purchase throughout the seasons
  • Automate repeat purchase reminders based on purchase history & predictive models
  • Connect with customers across all their devices, apps & social space
  • Personalized offers & redemptions to foster an intimate relationship with your customers
Measuring Results
Measuring Results
  • Availability of real time program & engagement health
  • Utilize AI driven assistive technology to recommend next best action
  • Benchmark customer segments in real time to build data driven campaigns
Measuring Results
Measuring Results
  • Real-time reports and dashboards.
  • KPI and performance tracking and measurement.
  • ROI predictor.
Key Brands
Luxury & Jewellery
Luxury Retail Solution Customer-centric Experiential engagement
Luxury & Jewellery
Luxury retail solutions help engage your high-profile customers by meeting the expectation of your luxury customer with hyper-personalisation and specialised services.
Luxury retail solutions help to ensure the brand delivers beyond extrinsic rewards and meets high net-worth customer expectations. The solution is designed to address the specific challenge of meeting the customer expectation demanded with the high average spend. Luxury Target Audiences can now be consistently engaged and kept informed, going beyond usual festive period engagement or special occasion spending.
Key Features
The Vip Club
Experiential Loyalty to drive customer retention
  • Gather zero & first party data using invite-only microsites & forms
  • Personalized in-store experience & recommendations based on customer preferences
  • Elevate customer experience providing early access catalogues & invites to special events
  • Enable Multi-channel ordering & delivery options to create a fulfilling shopping experience
The Vip Club
The Vip Club
  • Enable a paid inner circle program that offers exclusive benefits & services
  • Connect your customers to a world of complementing luxury products & services by partnering with with 3rd party brands & suppliers
  • Enable a digital concierge service that provides a 1-1 experience whether online or offline
Key Brands
Hypermarket Retail Solution – building stickiness through relevant differentiation
Hypermarket solutions help large grocers and format stores reel in regular customers with well-designed incentives and personalised offers.
Hypermarket solutions focus on developing a deeper understanding of customers, increasing the average basket size, and encouraging repeat purchases.

The solution meets to address multiple challenges to data capture and the need for granular customer information—low Loyalty, less frequency and hence brand fluidity. The solution successfully aims to build brand loyalty and stickiness with customers.
Key Features
  • Increase Customer Data Capture via POS Integration, Microsite.
  • Flexible Program with differential earn across categories & SKUs.
  • Easy Redemption & Differential Pricing through Promo Engine.
  • Omni-Channel Loyalty – Earn & burn across channels.
  • Gamify Experience with Badges.
  • Targeted Promotion based on Segments – create multiple segments based on various KPIs and run targeted promotions.
  • Real Time Gratification to drive upsell & Cross sell opportunities.
  • Dynamic Customer Journeys to engage customers with relevant offers at the right time.
  • Analytics driven campaigns.
Anywhere Commerce+
Anywhere Commerce+
  • Enabling omni-channel Commerce – online presence as additional avenue.
  • Single Mobile app _ Ecommerce & Loyalty.
  • Wallet for easy payment.
  • Subscription features on online ordering.
Key Brands
CD & IT Retail
CD & IT Retail Solution – building stickiness through relevant differentiation
CD & IT Retail
An integrated model that lets you manage and deliver systems across online and offline operations along with an omnichannel customer experience strategy.
Consumer Durables and IT retail solutions help independent marketplaces online and offline to innovate, retain customers through personalization and curate brand experiences, optimizing seamlessly with existing operations.
Key Features
  • Omnichannel Loyalty experience - customers can earn and burn points on offline (POS) and online channels (E-Commerce).
  • Customer tiering - to distinguish benefits between customer groups.
  • Point Earning based on product categories - ex. 2% for smartphones, 0.5% for accessories, 0.2% for device insurance, etc.
  • Loyalty promotions - ex. 2X points on birth months, product launches, etc.
  • Rewards catalog - to facilitate online loyalty redemptions with various selections of offers from brands and external partners.
  • Group loyalty - to run a loyalty program for multiple brands under the same group.
  • Customer Audience (segmentations) - create customer audience based on demographics and past purchase behaviours data.
  • Instant offers (Dynamic Vouchering System) - to send personalized offers instantly upon checkout on customers’ preferred channels (SMS, EMail, Push notification, etc).
  • Timeline campaign - send automatic campaigns to winback lapsed customers with personalized offers.
  • Standard reports - to track various KPIs such as sales, campaign, loyalty, registrations, products, return, etc.
  • Data export framework - to export customer data to external systems for inventory update management and analytics.
  • Drive better staff allocation & merchandising.
Key Brands
Brands that work on Retail Solutions


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Get the best loyalty &
customer engagement platform out there!
  • Design industry shaping loyalty programs
  • Integrate easily and go live quicker
  • Deliver hyper-personalized consumer experiences
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