Capillary acquires US-based Brierley+Partners    Read more >

Capillary named a Leader in SPARK Matrix™: Customer Loyalty Solutions, Q2 2024 Report     Read more >

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Guide to Scaling E-commerce in the Middle East

Guide to Scaling E-commerce in the Middle East

Combining insights from Capillary's association with top retailers in the region and secondary research, we aim to assess the current ecommerce market dynamics to throw light on the opportunities, challenges as well as predict the path the market is likely to traverse in comparison to other developed and emerging markets.

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The Ultimate Guide to eCommerce

The Ultimate Guide to eCommerce

Before we tackle eCommerce, it's good to have a fair idea about what commerce is. Simply put, commerce is the the act of buying and selling goods and services, especially on a large scale. Now eCommerce is essentially the same, with the sole difference being that the exchange is done over the internet.

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people counter

People Counters

People counters are essentially any type of device that counts the number of people walking in and out of a certain specified area. While people counters started out as a simple, manual clicker in the hands of a doorman, they have quickly evolved to become complex machines capable of generating large amounts of in-store data around customer behavior, visitor demographics, store layout, staff performance and marketing effectiveness.

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In-Store Analytics Solution


In-Store Analytics Solution

No matter what the naysayers say. Brick and mortar stores have only grown in numbers and sophistication despite the popularity of ecommerce.

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Evolution from Multichannel to Omnichannel CRM


Evolution from Multichannel to Omnichannel CRM

For a business to succeed, it must place the customer at the heart of everything that they do. But interestingly, the customer is a dynamic entity; as times change, so does a customer profile

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Top 6 Metrics To Measure Customer Loyalty


Top 6 Metrics To Measure Customer Loyalty

Time and again, it has been seen that loyal customers convert friends and family into customers just through word of mouth, and they contribute higher revenues for brands they're loyal to.

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